Advent of Code 2022 Day 11: Monkey in the Middle
By Andreas Røssland
For the 11th day of AoC 2022, the problem was to simulate monkeys throwing things back and forth according to some rules. The trickiest part was perhaps reading the input, since I wanted to use higher-order functions to store the operation and test functions.
In an attempt to make the input parsing cleaner, I tried out a new pattern where bufio.Scanner
is passed into subroutines.
For part 2 I quickly ran into integer overflows, and realized that I could operate in the ring of integers modulo LCM(divisors) to avoid them. And since all the test divisors were unique prime numbers, LCM(divisors) happens to be equal to the product of the divisors.
func main() {
type MonkeyID int
type WorryLevel int
type OperationFunc func(worryLevel WorryLevel) WorryLevel
type TestFunc func(worryLevel WorryLevel) MonkeyID
type Monkey struct {
Items []WorryLevel
Operation OperationFunc
Test TestFunc
NumInspections int
type State struct {
Monkeys []*Monkey
ReliefFactor int
Modulus int
func part1() {
state := readInput()
state.ReliefFactor = 3
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
fmt.Println("Part 1 monkey business level: ", state.monkeyBusinessLevel())
func part2() {
state := readInput()
state.ReliefFactor = 1
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
fmt.Println("Part 2 monkey business level: ", state.monkeyBusinessLevel())
func (s *State) DoRound() {
for _, monkey := range s.Monkeys {
func (s *State) DoTurn(monkey *Monkey) {
for _, worryLevel := range monkey.Items {
// Monkey inspects item, increasing your worry level
newWorryLevel := monkey.Operation(worryLevel)
// After inspection, you are relieved the item didn't break.
newWorryLevel /= WorryLevel(s.ReliefFactor)
// We can work with worryLevel mod LCM(divisors) since
// each monkey only cares about the remainder of the worry level.
newWorryLevel = newWorryLevel % WorryLevel(s.Modulus)
// Monkey throws the item to another monkey based on the new worry level
destinationMonkey := monkey.Test(newWorryLevel)
s.Monkeys[destinationMonkey].Items = append(s.Monkeys[destinationMonkey].Items, newWorryLevel)
// Monkey threw away all its items
monkey.Items = nil
func (s *State) monkeyBusinessLevel() int {
var numInspections []int
for _, monkey := range s.Monkeys {
numInspections = append(numInspections, monkey.NumInspections)
numMonkeys := len(s.Monkeys)
return numInspections[numMonkeys-1] * numInspections[numMonkeys-2]
Reading input and imports
package main
import (
_ "embed"
//go:embed input.txt input-ex1.txt
var inputFiles embed.FS
func readInput() (state State) {
f, err := inputFiles.Open("input.txt")
if err != nil {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
state.Modulus = 1
for {
if doneScanning(scanner) {
monkey := Monkey{}
monkey.Items = readItems(scanner)
monkey.Operation = readOperation(scanner)
testFunc, divisor := readTest(scanner)
monkey.Test = testFunc
state.Modulus *= divisor // They are all primes, so this is fine.
state.Monkeys = append(state.Monkeys, &monkey)
func doneScanning(scanner *bufio.Scanner) bool {
return len(scanner.Text()) == 0
func readItems(scanner *bufio.Scanner) []WorryLevel {
return aocutil.GetNumsInString[WorryLevel](scanner.Text())
func readOperation(scanner *bufio.Scanner) OperationFunc {
line := scanner.Text()
parts := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(line), " ")
// 0 1 2 3 4 5
// Operation: new = old * 19
return makeOperationFunc(parts[3], parts[4], parts[5])
func makeOperationFunc(aStr, opStr, bStr string) OperationFunc {
binOp := getBinaryOp(opStr)
if aStr == "old" && bStr == "old" {
return func(w WorryLevel) WorryLevel { return binOp(w, w) }
} else if aStr == "old" {
b := WorryLevel(aocutil.GetIntsInString(bStr)[0])
return func(w WorryLevel) WorryLevel { return binOp(w, b) }
} else if bStr == "old" {
a := WorryLevel(aocutil.GetIntsInString(aStr)[0])
return func(w WorryLevel) WorryLevel { return binOp(a, w) }
} else {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown operation: %s %s %s", aStr, opStr, bStr))
func getBinaryOp(plusOrMult string) func(a, b WorryLevel) WorryLevel {
if plusOrMult == "+" {
return func(a, b WorryLevel) WorryLevel { return a + b }
} else if plusOrMult == "*" {
return func(a, b WorryLevel) WorryLevel { return a * b }
} else {
panic("Unknown operation: " + plusOrMult)
func readTest(scanner *bufio.Scanner) (TestFunc, int) {
lineTest := scanner.Text()
divisor := aocutil.GetIntsInString(lineTest)[0]
lineIf := scanner.Text()
targetIf := MonkeyID(aocutil.GetIntsInString(lineIf)[0])
lineElse := scanner.Text()
targetElse := MonkeyID(aocutil.GetIntsInString(lineElse)[0])
return makeTestFunc(divisor, targetIf, targetElse), divisor
func makeTestFunc(divisor int, targetIf, targetElse MonkeyID) TestFunc {
return func(worryLevel WorryLevel) MonkeyID {
if int(worryLevel)%divisor == 0 {
return targetIf
return targetElse
func readBlankLine(scanner *bufio.Scanner) {