Advent of Code 2021 Day 4: Giant Squid
By Andreas Røssland
Today I re-learned: To split a string in Go on one or more spaces, use strings.Fields
instead of strings.Split
since the latter parses two consecutive spaces as an empty string between two separators.
>>> fmt.Printf("%#v\n", strings.Split("1 12 13", " "))
[]string{"1", "12", "", "13"}
>>> fmt.Printf("%#v\n", strings.Fields("1 12 13"))
[]string{"1", "12", "13"}
The code is pretty straight forward. Some tricks I did:
- Shove each board into a
array instead of using 2D arrays. This is usually faster and easier if the grid size is known. - When reading input, don’t loop for each line when reading a board. Instead, when you get the first line of the board, immediately read four more lines. This works fine if the input is nice.
- Loop labels for breaking/continuing over multiple levels of loops.
- Make a struct for each board, where the numbers and marks are two separate “layers”.
Go is pretty verbose stuff. I still like it though.
package main
import (
type Board struct {
Nums [25]int
Marked [25]bool
LastMarked int
HasWon bool
type Input struct {
Nums []int
Boards []Board
func part12(in Input) {
lastWin := -1
for _, draw := range in.Nums {
for k := range in.Boards {
if in.Boards[k].HasWon {
for i := range in.Boards[k].Nums {
if in.Boards[k].Nums[i] == draw {
in.Boards[k].Marked[i] = true
in.Boards[k].LastMarked = draw
if hasWon(in.Boards[k]) {
if lastWin == -1 {
fmt.Println("Part 1:", computeScore(in.Boards[k]))
in.Boards[k].HasWon = true
lastWin = k
fmt.Println("Part 2:", computeScore(in.Boards[lastWin]))
func computeScore(b Board) int {
sumUnmarked := 0
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
if !b.Marked[i*5+j] {
sumUnmarked += b.Nums[i*5+j]
return sumUnmarked * b.LastMarked
func hasWon(b Board) bool {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
if !b.Marked[i*5+j] {
continue nextRow
return true
for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
if !b.Marked[i*5+j] {
continue nextCol
return true
return false
func main() {
in := ReadInput()
func ReadInput() Input {
var in Input
f, err := os.Open("input.txt")
if err != nil {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
numsStr := scanner.Text()
for _, numStr := range strings.Split(numsStr, ",") {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(numStr)
if err != nil {
in.Nums = append(in.Nums, n)
for scanner.Scan() {
if scanner.Text() == "" {
var numsStr string
numsStr += scanner.Text() + " "
numsStr += scanner.Text() + " "
numsStr += scanner.Text() + " "
numsStr += scanner.Text() + " "
numsStr += scanner.Text() + " "
var b Board
for i, numStr := range strings.Fields(numsStr) {
b.Nums[i], err = strconv.Atoi(numStr)
if err != nil {
in.Boards = append(in.Boards, b)
return in